WINTER WORSHOP: Key novelties and new obligations in EU Funds 2021-2027 in practice → Let’s be ready!

Our workshop will provide you with new specific knowledge and practical tools to work. Two-day programme is based on substantive presentations, active work in case studies and the questions/answers sessions. We guarantee quality, concrete and inspiration. We look forward to seeing you in Berlin!
How to effectively implement the EU funds 2021-2027? What the new mechanisms and acronyms mean in practice: grants under conditions, territorial approach for urban and rural areas, DNSH, NEB, JTM? How to prepare optimal project selection criteria? How to monitor output and outcome indicators. What does the proper division of tasks in the management and control system of EU funds mean? How to monitor and improve enabling conditions during the implementation period?

What will you learn?

  • What are the key rules and the novelties in CP regulations and provisions 2021-2027 
  • How to handle concrete new tools: Grants under Conditions, New Financial Instruments, Do Not Significant Harm principle, New European Bauhaus, Territorial Approach, Just Transition Mechanism, Smart Specialisations
  • How to work with the different types of selection criteria in ERDF, ESF+ and JTF: horizontal, thematic and strategic context
  • How to implement EU Funds 2021-2027 at the national and regional level in practice and meet key requirements: output and outcome indicators, new info-promo obligations
  • How to prepare the best, complex and coherent projects 2021-2027 – practical workshops

Do you have more questions?

Contact us

Leipziger Platz 15
10117 Berlin

Who is this course for?

Public officials and other experts dealing with the implementation, management, certification and control of all EU Funds, especially from:

  • Managing Authorities
  • Intermediate Bodies
  • Certifying Authorities
  • Audit Authorities
  • Beneficiaries of EU Funds
  • National and Investment Banks
  • Regional Development Agencies
  • Regional and Local Governments
  • International, national and local associations and networks
  • and other institutions and stakeholders dealing with implementation, management and control of EU Funds
-> Thursday, 15th Feb 2024
8:30-9:00 Registration and Welcome Coffee
9:00-9:15 Introduction and starting quiz
9:15-10:30 Warming up session – Cohesion Policy in Times of Permanent Change:
  • How did Cohesion Policy 2021-2027 contribute to overcome the package of crises (pandemic, economic, migration, cohesion)?
  • Simplification measures: REACT-EU, CARE, SAFE, CRII – lessons learnt
  • Cohesion Policy and the Recovery and Resilience Found: key similarities and differences between the two instruments and how does this affect implementation on the ground?
  • Never-ending story: how does the implementation of Cohesion Policy influence for the 2027+ period?
  • Discussion round
10:30-10:45 Coffee Break & Networking
10:45-12:30 Workshop: Coffee Break & Networking
  • CPR, ERDF/CF, ESF+, JTF, Interreg – novelties and new obligations
  • Eligibility of expenditure – main opportunities and traps
  • Enabling conditions at implementation stage (innovations, transport, sustainable and social development)
  • Green and digital transformation at national and regional level – practical dilemmas
  • Indicators during the entire monitoring period
  • Case study: System of management and control 2021-2027
12:30-13:30 Lunch time
13:30-14:30 Transferring good practices and checked solutions 2014-2020 to 2021-2027:
  • Introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in management and control of EU Funds
  • Lessons learnt about simplifications
  • Simplified Cost Options
  • Main goals and expected results for ESF+
14:30-14:45 Coffee Break & Networking
14:45-15:45 Workshop: working with the selection criteria (ERDF / ESF+ / JTF):
  • Minimum horizontal standards
  • Thematic priorities
  • Strategic bonuses
  • Combining points and weights
  • Case study: How to prepare the optimal package
15:45-16:00 Q&A session and the main first day’s conclusions
18:00- Walking tour and get-together in Berlin
-> Friday, 16th Feb 2024
8:30-9:00 Warmup Coffee
9:00-9:15 From yesterday’s conclusions to today’s introduction
9:15-10:30 Forms of support in 2021 – 2027 – practical recommendations:
  • Specificity of: ERDF / ESF+ / JTF
  • Grants versus Financial Instruments
  • Novelty: Grants under Conditions
  • Strategic approach and efficiency of support
  • Case studies: innovations and energy efficiency – key details
10:30-10:45 Coffee Break Inspirations
10:45-12:30 Workshop: Programming EU Funds at my (national/regional) level:
  • EU goals – National priorities – Regional and local needs
  • Combination of different financial resources
  • Clusters and partnership approach
  • Long-term, coherent perspective
  • Case studies: ERDF and ESF+ somewhere in EU…
12:30-13:30 Lunch Time
13:30-14:15 Complex Territorial Approach
  • From strategy through funds to resultss
  • Novelty: New European Bauhaus
  • Case study: Region in transition
14:15-14:30 Coffee Break Reflections
14:30-15:30 Group Workshop: My dream project – ERDF / ESF+ / JTF (the choice is yours 😊)
15:30 Family photo


Louis Vervloet, a retired civil servant, remains active as the general director of the Flemish ESF Agency and holds leadership roles in vdk bank and Dimensa. With a degree in Public Administration, he has extensive experience in European programs, particularly the ESF. Louis, a key figure in implementing simplified cost options (SCOs) in ESF, is recognized for his expertise in simplification, social innovation, and transnational collaboration. He has served as the managing authority for ESF in Flanders, representing Belgium at the ESF and ESIF Committees. As an experienced speaker, he conducts training sessions on labor market policies and the management of European Structural Investment Funds.

Louis Vervloet

General Director, ESF – Agency Flanders

Berlin, Germany

This course will take place in the vibrant city of Berlin, providing an inspiring backdrop for an immersive learning experience.

Hotel Amano Eastside
Stralauer Pl. 30-31,
10243 Berlin


Enrollment for this course is now closed, but you can explore our available courses.