SAINT NICHOLAS WORKSHOP: Complexity of support in EU Funds 2021-2027: practical recommendations. Mid-term review 2025

You’ll develop expertise in implementing green and digital priorities in EU Funds, monitoring enabling conditions, applying smart specializations, understanding territorial approaches and cross-border cooperation, and preparing for the 2025 mid-term review.
How are green and digital priorities practically implemented in EU Funds? What are the key rules for ongoing monitoring of enabling conditions in 2021-2027? How can smart specializations be effectively built into support systems? What does a territorial approach involve when combining various sources of support? What are the obligations and lessons learned from cross-border cooperation in 2021-2027 programs?

What will you learn?

  • Key novelty How to prepare to the mid-term review 2025.
  • Practical implementation of green and digital priorities in EU Funds (criteria, schemes of support, measuring expected results);
  • Ongoing monitoring of enabling conditions in 2021-2027 – key rules and obligations;
  • Smart specialisations in practice – how to build flexible and efficient support system;
  • Territorial approach – combing various sources of support;
  • Obligations of cross-border cooperation in 2021-2027 Programmes – lessons learnt;
  • Complementarity of Cohesion Policy / RRF in practice – new recommendations;
  • Regions in transition and complexity of ESI Funds intervention – case studies;

Do you have more questions?

Contact us

Leipziger Platz 15
10117 Berlin

Who is this course for?

Public staff and other experts dealing with the implementation, management, certification and control of all EU Funds, especially from:

  • Managing Authorities
  • Intermediate Bodies
  • Certifying Authorities
  • Audit Authorities
  • Beneficiaries of EU Funds
  • National and Investment Banks
  • Regional Governments and Development Agencies
  • International, national and local associations and networks
  • Other stakeholders dealing with implementation, management and control of EU Funds

Berlin, Germany

This course will take place in the vibrant city of Berlin, providing an inspiring backdrop for an immersive learning experience.


Next to the training materials the training fee is covering:
a) the catering during the training (3 coffee breaks and a lunch every day);
b) the walking tour in a good company in Berlin (the evening of the first day of the training);
c) delicious diner;
d) family photo and some souvenirs for active participants.



Mandatory fields are marked with *.


Additional participants

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