BRUSSELS SEMINAR: Financial Instruments in EU Funds 2021-2027: key novelties and practical implementation

You’ll develop insights into policy objectives for Financial Instruments 2021-2027, learn compliance strategies for key documents, manage implementation systems, set criteria for Financial Intermediaries, prepare loans for SMEs, understand promotion obligations, and combine grants and financial instruments in operations.
What are the main policy objectives and types of projects for Financial Instruments 2021-2027? How to ensure compliance between Ex-ante Assessment, EU Funds Programme, and Investment Strategy? How to manage the implementation system with Fund of Funds Manager and Financial Intermediaries? What are the main principles for selecting Financial Intermediaries? How to prepare technological and ecological loans for SMEs? What are the key information and promotion obligations for Financial Instruments? How to combine a grant and a financial instrument in one operation?

What will you learn?

  • What are the main policy objectives and types of projects dedicated to Financial Instruments 2021-2027;
  • How to ensure compliance between main documents: Ex-ante Assessment – EU Funds Programme – Investment Strategy;
  • How to manage the system of implementation: cooperation between Fund of Funds Manager and Financial Intermediaries;
  • What are the main principles for selection criteria dedicated to the Financial Intermediaries;
  • How to prepare the technological and ecological loans for SMEs – case studies;
  • What are the main information and promotion obligations dedicated to Financial Instruments;
  • Key novelty How to combine grant and financial instrument in one operation.


Do you have more questions?

Contact us

Leipziger Platz 15
10117 Berlin

Who is this course for?

Public staff and other experts dealing with the implementation, management, certification and control of all EU Funds, especially from:

  • Managing Authorities
  • Intermediate Bodies
  • Certifying Authorities
  • Audit Authorities
  • Beneficiaries of EU Funds
  • National and Investment Banks
  • Regional Governments and Development Agencies
  • International, national and local associations and networks
  • Other stakeholders dealing with implementation, management and control of EU Funds

Brussels, Belgium

Brussels, as the heart of European Union policy-making presents an ideal location for training, offering unique access to EU institutions, insights, and networking opportunities.


Next to the training materials the training fee is covering:
a) the catering during the training (3 coffee breaks and a lunch every day);
b) EU district – the walking tour in a good company in Brussels (the evening of the first day);
c) delicious diner;
d) family photo and some souvenirs for active participants.



Enrollment for this course is now closed, but you can explore our available courses.