MAY WORKSHOP: Conflict of interest, irregularities and frauds in EU Funds 2021-2027: key prevention and intervention steps

You’ll develop a thorough understanding of EU anti-fraud regulations, strategies to implement anti-fraud and corruption measures, skills look for the red flags, best practices from OLAF and the European Commission, innovative intelligence techniques and practical rules for managing conflict of interest in project selection and procurements.
What are the key rules and EU regulations for anti-fraud and conflict of interest principles? How to implement anti-fraud strategy and corrective measures? How to avoid fraud, corruption, conflict of interest, double funding and the rest of the irregularities in ESI Funds and RRF? What are the best practices for anti-fraud and anti-corruption measures from OLAF and the European Commission? How to implement the newest innovative intelligence tools and techniques? What are the practical rules for conflict of interest principles for members of evaluation and selection committees?

What will you learn?

  • What are the key rules and EU regulations for anti-fraud and conflict of interest principles;
  • How to implement anti-fraud strategy and corrective measures;
  • Number of real-life examples of fraud, corruption, conflict of interest and other irregularities within ESI Funds and RRF;
  • What are the best practices for anti-fraud measures of OLAF and European Commission;
  • How to implement the newest innovative intelligence tools and techniques;
  • Irregularities and fraud in public procurement – case studies;
  • Key novelty → Practical rules for conflict of interest principles dedicated to the members of evaluation and selection committees (applies both for project selection and public procurement).

Do you have more questions?

Contact us

Leipziger Platz 15
10117 Berlin

Who is this course for?

Public staff and other experts dealing with the implementation, management, certification and control of all EU Funds, especially from:

  • Managing Authorities
  • Intermediate Bodies
  • Certifying Authorities
  • Audit Authorities
  • Beneficiaries of EU Funds
  • National and Investment Banks
  • Regional Governments and Development Agencies
  • International, national and local associations and networks
  • Other stakeholders dealing with implementation, management and control of EU Funds
-> Monday, 6th May 2024
8:30-9:00 Registration and Welcome Coffee
9:00-9:15 Introduction, understanding the vastness of the fraud universe
9:15-10:30 Anti-fraud regulations, setup and players
  • Definitions – fraud triangle, corruption, irregularity, double financing, conflict of interest etc
  • Protection of EU financial interest (and national) – what does it actually mean
  • What are the differences in RRF (Recovery and Resilience Facility)
  • Prerequisites in EU legislation for the control systems to prevent, detect and combat irregulates, fraud and corruption
  • Players at EU level – European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) and European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO)
  • National players – management verifications, auditors, law enforcement agencies
  • Dealing with consequences – recovery and remedy
10:30-10:45 Coffee Break & Networking
10:45-12:30 Conflict of interest
  • New strong focus – why and how
  • Conflict of interest in public sector
  • Conflict of interest in project selection and approval
  • Conflict of interest in procurement process – evaluation and selection
  • Perceived conflict of interest
  • Conflict of interest within private sector beneficiaries – how to approach this unregulated subject
  • Expectations for controls and audits
  • How to handle COI cases
  • Red flags, examples of cases
12:30-13:30 Lunch time
13:30-14:30 Fraud risk – learning from examples
  • Double funding – red flags how to find out
  • RRF – why it is very complicated to establish double funding
  • False impressions – project results, deliveries, quantities, quality
  • Hidden within complexity
  • Price manipulations within contracts and with invoices
  • Procurement manipulations
  • Faking comparable offers
  • Intent – is it proven?
  • How to prevent and detect cases like this
14:30-14:45 Coffee Break & Networking
14:45-15:45 Intelligence tools and techniques
  • Requirements for intelligent work
  • Establishing red flags, risk-based management verifications
  • Arachne – pros and cons, additional databases
  • Use of black lists and exclusion lists
  • How to act quickly?
  • Red flags – what to look for, where, when
15:45-16:00 Q&A session and the main first day’s conclusions
-> Tuesday, 7th May 2024
8:30-9:00 Warmup Coffee
9:00-9:15 From yesterday’s conclusions to today’s introduction
9:15-10:30 Corruption risk – learning from examples
  • How conflict of interest leads to corruption
  • Procurement and corruption
  • Project selection, approval and corruption
  • Examples of bribery, kick-backs, favours, hidden benefits
  • How to deal with a small cases, minuscule corruption
10:30-10:45 Coffee Break Inspirations
10:45-12:30 Non-fraudulent irregularities
  • Procurement irregularities and respective recovery rates
  • State aid irregularities
  • Mistakes in simplified costs
  • Ineligible beneficiaries, target groups, timeframes etc
  • Operations failing
12:30-13:30 Lunch Time
13:30-14:15 Anti-fraud strategies, fraud-proofing the system, tone at the top
  • Developing anti-fraud and anti-corruption strategies
  • Fraud-proofing of control systems, targeted controls
  • Fraud-proofing rules for beneficiaries – regulations that should not be set as they “encourage” fraud
  • Using simplified cost options to avoid fraud risks
  • Creating anti-fraud awareness among beneficiaries and general public
  • Tone at the top and governance – how to get top management on board
14:15-14:30 Coffee Break Reflections
14:30-15:30 Final conclusions and Q&A
  • Main takeaways for differences in 2021-2027 regarding controls, anti-fraud and financial corrections
  • Final questions


Kaur Siruli had more than 17 years of experience as the head of Audit Authority for EU Funds in Estonia and working in cooperation with OLAF. This has brought him in contact with wide spectrum of irregularities and fraud attempts – ineligible costs, procurement irregularities, conflict of interest, corruption risk, fraud schemes, double financing and so on. Kaur knows how to set up effective management and control system, look for "red flags", prevent and detect irregularities and fraud and how to handle the detected cases. His openness to vividly explain the risks and modus operandi have made him valued lecturer both in Estonia and abroad.

Kaur Siruli

Head of the Financial Control Department of the Ministry of Finance of Estonia

Berlin, Germany

This course will take place in the vibrant city of Berlin, providing an inspiring backdrop for an immersive learning experience.

Hotel Amano Eastside
Stralauer Pl. 30-31,
10243 Berlin

Next to the training materials the training fee is covering:
a) the catering during the training (3 coffee breaks and a lunch every day);
b) the walking tour in a good company in Berlin (the evening of the first day of the training);
c) delicious diner;
d) family photo and some souvenirs for active participants.



Enrollment for this course is now closed, but you can explore our available courses.