SPRING WORKSHOP: EU Funds 2021-2027: Assessment and management of projects in practice – result-oriented approach.

You’ll develop expertise in assessing and managing projects for ERDF, ESF+, JTF, RRF, including criteria setting, procedural rules, eligibility, and strategic operations analysis.
What are the key rules for projects’ assessment in ERDF, ESF+, JTF, RRF? How to define tasks and procedures for institutions in projects’ assessment? How to prepare optimal sets of criteria: horizontal, thematic, strategic? What are the main principles and information in procedure rules for dedicated calls? How to work with eligibility rules in practice? How to assess and monitor key output and outcome indicators?

What will you learn?

  • What are the key rules for projects’ assessment in ERDF, ESF+, JTF, RRF;
  • How to define the tasks and procedures for the institutions engaged in projects’ assessment;
  • How to prepare optimal sets of criteria: horizontal, thematic and strategic;
  • Main principles and information that should be defined in the rules of procedure for dedicated calls;
  • How to work with the eligibility rules in practice;
  • How to assess and monitor key output and outcome indicators;
  • Comparing two perspectives: beneficiaries versus Managing Authorities – case studies;
  • Key novelty Operations of strategic importance for the ERDF, the CF, and the ESF+.

Do you have more questions?

Contact us

Leipziger Platz 15
10117 Berlin

Who is this course for?

Public staff and other experts dealing with the implementation, management, certification and control of all EU Funds, especially from:

  • Managing Authorities
  • Intermediate Bodies
  • Certifying Authorities
  • Audit Authorities
  • Beneficiaries of EU Funds
  • National and Investment Banks
  • Regional Governments and Development Agencies
  • International, national and local associations and networks
  • Other stakeholders dealing with implementation, management and control of EU Funds
-> Monday, 18th March 2024
8:30-9:00 Registration and Welcome Coffee
9:00-9:15 Introduction and starting quiz
9:15-10:30 Warming up session – Assessment and management of projects in 2021-2027
  • Task division and system of cooperation between key actors: Managing Authorities – Intermediate Bodies – Audit and Control Institutions
  • Main rules and obligations for various types of beneficiaries
  • Assessment and management of projects – lessons learnt 2014-2020
  • Cohesion Policy and the Recovery and Resilience Found: key similarities and differences in rules of projects’ preparation, assessment and management
  • Looking for optimal mode: shared management versus direct management
  • Mid-term review ahead of us
  • Discussion round
10:30-10:45 Coffee Break & Networking
10:45-12:30 Workshop: Preparation of projects in EU Funds 2021-2027: strategic aspects in the context of project assessment
  • ERDF, ESF+, JTF, Interreg, RRF – from general priorities to practical projects’ ideas
  • Complementarity of national, regional and local level
  • Eligibility of expenditure – main opportunities and traps
  • Operations of strategic importance – key conditions
  • Obligatory elements of successful projects – based on green, digital and social cases
  • Competitive versus non-competitive procedures
  • Specificity of partnership projects – various options on the table
  • Main indicators – how to reduce the risk?
  • Case study: Optimal scheme for project’s preparations
12:30-13:30 Lunch time
13:30-14:30 Assessment of projects: transferring good practices and checked solutions from 2014-2020 to 2021-2027
  • Optimal task division in the process of project’s assessment
  • Contest rules – main information and regulations
  • Key differences between: ERDF, ESF+, JTF and RRF rules for projects’ assessment
  • Appeal procedures
  • Case study: Financial instruments – selection of projects
14:30-14:45 Coffee Break & Networking
14:45-15:45 Workshop: working with project’s preparation and assessment (division into four groups: ERDF / ESF+ / JTF / RRF)
  • Key project’s assumptions, goals and results
  • Logic and complementarity of intervention
  • Main rules for project’s assessment
  • Appeal procedure in practice
  • And the winner is…?
15:45-16:00 Q&A session and the main first day’s conclusions
18:00 Walking tour and get-together in Berlin
-> Tuesday, 19th March 2024
8:30-9:00 Warmup Coffee
9:00-9:15 From yesterday’s conclusions to today’s introduction
9:15-10:30 Selection criteria in 2021 – 2027 – practical recommendations
  • Minimum horizontal standards
  • Main types of criteria: horizontal, thematic, specific and strategic
  • Crucial thematic priorities: entrepreneurship, innovations, green and digital transition
  • Strategic bonuses
  • Combining points and weights
  • Case study: How to prepare the optimal package of criteria?
10:30-10:45 Coffee Break Inspirations
10:45-12:30 Project management in practice 2021-2027:
  • Main tasks and obligations for Project Cycle Management (PCM)
  • Reporting and communication rules: beneficiary versus Managing Authority
  • Co-financing grant – possible modifications
  • New information and promotion obligations
  • Audit and monitoring rules
  • Project durability in practice
  • Case study: Strategic innovative project in trouble (somewhere in EU…)
12:30-13:30 Lunch Time
13:30-14:15 Workshop: Project Cycle Management (PCM) in territorial approach 2021-2027
  • Transferring from genius idea to strategic approach
  • Matching optimal funds: ERDF / ESF+ / JTF / RRF / National resources
  • Matrix of projects and partners
  • Optimal indicators to measure expected results
  • Rules for modifications and corrections
  • The moment of project’s final success…
14:15-14:30 Coffee Break Reflections
14:30-15:30 Q&A and final conclusions
  • Logic matrix for project’s: preparation ↔ assessment ↔ management
  • Key novelties for 2021-2027 EU Perspective in practice
  • Introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in PCM
  • First conclusions for programming 2027+
15:30 Family photo and spring surprise

Berlin, Germany

This course will take place in the vibrant city of Berlin, providing an inspiring backdrop for an immersive learning experience.

Hotel Amano Eastside
Stralauer Pl. 30-31,
10243 Berlin

Next to the training materials the training fee is covering:
a) the catering during the training (3 coffee breaks and a lunch every day);
b) the walking tour in a good company in Berlin (the evening of the first day of the training);
c) delicious diner;
d) family photo and some souvenirs for active participants.





Enrollment for this course is now closed, but you can explore our available courses.